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Monday, February 2, 2015

It's the month of your kids fall in LOVE with books!

Love notes, red roses, chocolates and candlelit dinners. It must be February – the month of love. Many people think of Valentine’s Day as a day to celebrate the romance between two people. But, did you know there are several theories on how the holiday originated, and few of them have much to do with romance?

Isn’t it funny how traditions transform over time, simply because people decide to do things differently? What if we continued that same transformation with Valentine’s Day, and redefined the kind of love it represents to include love for activities we enjoy, and which make us whole, like reading?

This Valentine’s Day, help a child fall in love and develop a relationship with reading. Instead of chocolates and flowers, take them on an adventure or introduce them to a new character by giving a book. Let your heart flutter as you share a story and quality time with your little love. It could be your family’s new Valentine’s Day tradition!

Usborne Books & More are MADE to where your kids will want to DEVOUR them! From LOTS of pictures and words spread throughout in bite size chunks to not overwhelm them, to our amazing sticker, activity and wipe clean books that make learning fun to our Internet linked books that allow them to follow safe links online that might help them create a Viking ship adventure or tour the pyramids. Once you look at an Usborne book you will know why everyone else who has Usborne books are in LOVE with them and want them all for their children! Peter Usborne really knew what he was doing when he started Usborne Books 40 years ago! Want to earn some FREE books for your family? Email or message me today to find out our current hostess incentives for Facebook and Home parties! :) 

Here is a fun PRINTABLE you can print off and color with your children, it's from one of our activity books! 


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